CogVis GmbH, founded in 2007 as a spin-off of the now Computer Vision Lab (CVL) of TU Wien (Technical University Vienna) is located in Vienna and has established itself on the international markets in the field of computer-aided analysis of video and 3D sensor data in real time. CogVis provides inter-sectoral analytical solutions for security, business intelligence, Active and Assisted Living (AAL) and smart homes, transport to point-of-sale applications, as well as tailor made solutions from feasibility studies to final software products.
The software products generate automated counting statistics, alarms, or reports and contribute significantly to increasing the efficiency of existing IP video systems. CogVis is always applying on state-of-the-art modern and mobile web technologies, ease of use, interoperability with third-party systems, and service orientation for partners and end customers.
- Safety
- Active and Assisted Living (AAL) und Smart Homes
- Transport
- Medicine
- Point-of-Sale